Tuesdays 6:30-8:00pm

6th August, 3rd September, 1st October, 5th November, 3rd December

Feel refreshed and rejuvenated. In this fast paced modern world, it is said that rest is a radical act of revolution…

Yoga nidra is the art of conscious sleep. You will be guided into a state of deep relaxation, where the conscious mind subsides but awareness remains. The body can restore itself at a cellular level whilst the subconscious is gently stimulated to create new connections. Your rest is then supported by the vibrations of Jupiter gong. These sounds can reduce stress, remove emotional blockages and stimulate alternative states of consciousness. Jupiter in particular supports personal evolution, abundance on joy. You will be gently reawakened with the sound of my voice toning with singing bowls and the ethereal sounds of Koshi chimes. 

ONCE A MONTH at The Isbourne Centre, Cheltenham.